Having secured a place in your first company and getting past all the hassles of tests and interviews, you might be wondering what to do next and how best to pull off the internship period and receive that much-dreamt-of ‘Best Intern’ award.
Worry no more, for we have got the essentials that you need, to make the most of your internship.
Tip #1 Watch What You Wear
This is the first piece of advice that we give to all internees. You need to represent your company through your dressing. Google the company, go to the official website or Facebook page and see what people usually wear. Or simply ask them what to wear. Also keep in mind your internship duties. You wouldn’t look grand walking around in high heels throughout the day if you have to move back and forth a lot and the floor isn’t carpeted!
Tip #2 Do Your Homework
It will do you good getting background knowledge about the company, their work, managers, the hierarchy, latest news and the overall status of the company in the industry. General knowledge goes a long way in creating a great first impression.
Tip #3 Be Serious About Work
One of the biggest mistakes that internees make is taking their internship lightly. Remember that your tasks are saving up other people’s time so you need to be as responsible as possible when it’ll come to delivering your work. Point to remember is to maintain quality and put in your 100% in whatever gets assigned to you.
Tip #4 Justify Your Hiring
You’ve beaten all other applicants and scored yourself a seat at the office table. Now show everyone why you’re the best choice for it. Brainstorm before every task- from strategic to the simplest. Bring questions and ideas to the table with confidence (i.e. when you are asked to do so!)
Tip #5 Network
Networking may come off as a daunting task but once you start doing it, you can pave way for future opportunities. Socializing helps you hone your skills and develop contacts that help you go on a long way. You may need these contacts to get a job or professional advice later in life.
Tip #6 Don’t Let Opportunities Slide Past You
Don’t hold back from asking your supervisor for advice, guidance, and tips to do your job well. Grab opportunities as they come. Give time to your supervisor to accommodate you. Once they do that show them the initiative in you and the energy for newer opportunities. Ask them for feedback, so that you know where you are headed. This primary ‘nagging’ can go a long way in making you an efficient employee.
Tip #7 Brush Up Your Resume
Finally, make sure that your CV spells your skills, abilities, and certifications clearly. If you don’t know how to go about it, ask someone to help you. The key is to show the company how your internship tasks have made a positive difference on the business.
Hopefully these 7 tips will help you ace your internship. Good luck!